Friday, March 11, 2011

Great News - History in the making!

It is indeed a great news that "All India Radio" will be broadcasting a Carnatic concert on Keyboard for the first time on the March 16, 2011! Yes it will be broadcast in FM Gold Radio Channel which can be listened in 102.3 mhz from 11:30 am for 30 mts. It will be a history made with this concert and looks like Sathya will be part of the history as he is scheduled to do this concert. A long awaited dream which will become a reality!!

I request one and all to tune in to AIR on March 16th 2011 and also forward all your opinion to AIR and if possible to us also. This will be a great source of encouragement to Sathya!!!

1 comment:

Sankar said...

Dear Sir,

I think Sathya is making a great progress in the field of carnatic music and has perhaps achieved a whole lot for his age. We are really proud of such a talent in our midst and also derive great joy listening to his music. It would be great if Sathya could kindly consider uploading mini tutorials or tips on how to play carnatic on keyboard - that would also help scores of other enthusiast who are eager to learn the instrument in the carnatic way.

The one point of concern is the role played by Sathya's father - it appears like you are over-doing things on the stage and also in this blog. If you recall Mandolin Srinivas' dad always used to have a low key on the stage and never hyped up things. If you are just silent and simple the charm of Sathya will grow greater and greater. By over doing things and overacting you are seriously affecting the perception of Sathya's music itself.

Just for your consideration. Best Wishes for Sathya to blossom in to the next Mandolin Srinivas.

God Bless !