Monday, December 26, 2011

A great day for Music lovers and Keyboard Artists in general - December 31, 2011

It is going to be one of the greatest day for Keyboard artists and the instrument as such as this Saturday December 31, 2011 is featuring a Jugalbandhi concert to be performed by "Padmashree Awardee, Grammy Winner" Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt on Mohana Veena with K. Sathyanarayanan, a Keyboard Artiste just in the initial stages of his musical career! What a humble thought for this Panditji to have offered to perform on a New Year Eve!

For booking your tickets log on to 

I request all music lovers and well wishers of Sathya in particular, to come in large numbers not just to listen to Sathya but to :

a) Respect humble personified Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt's thought to perform with me 

b) Show your strong support to Brahma Gana Sabha for having organised this concert, which will in    turn give them and other forums the confidence to promote young and sprouting talents like Sathya!

c) cheer / support / wish and bless Sathya on the great occasion which will give him the strength to perform on this great day!

We wish you all a "Happy New Year in Advance" and look forward to greeting you all the same on the New Year Eve after the concert! 

Also please watch the audio/video presentation made by one of his well wishers from RedIntegro and presented as a gift on the 10th December during the Album launch!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Album Launch Videos 2011

Here is the set of video clippings on the Album Launch by Giri Trading agency Pvt. Ltd in association with Brahma Gana Sabha on the 10th December, 2011 at Sivagami Pethachi Auditorium.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Album Release Photos

இனிய சனிவாரம் காலை , இசை இதயத்தை தொட்ட நாள், சனிக்கிழமை திருப்பதி பெருமாளுக்கு உகந்த நாள் அதனால் தானோ என்னவோ திரு கிருஷ்ணபாபு திருப்பதி தம்பதியர் தங்கள் செல்ல மகன் சத்யநாராயணனின் இசை தொகுப்பு (Musical Album) வெள்யீட்டு விழாவை இன்று அமைத்திருந்தனர். காலை 8.55 AM க்கு நிகழ்ச்சி துவக்கம் சிற்றுண்டி அருந்த நேரமின்மையால் நேரே அரங்கத்துக்கு சென்றோம் ப்ருமகான சபா, லஸ் கார்னர் , உள்ளே நுழைந்ததும் தம்பதியர் அனைவரையும் இன்முகம் காட்டி வரவேற்றனர். 
செவிக்கு உணவில்லாத பொழுதுதான் சிறிது வயிற்றுக்கு ஈயப்படும் இது சொல் வழக்கு, ஆனால் இவர்களோ உள்ளே நுழைந்ததும் சிறிது வயிற்றிற்கு அருந்திவிட்டு உள்ளே செவி இன்பத்தை பருகலாம் என்று அன்புக்கட்டளை. அரங்கத்தில் அந்த காலை நேரத்தில் நல்ல கணிசமான ரசிகர்கள், நண்பர்கள், ஊடக உறவுகள் என அனைவரும் நிறைந்திருந்தனர்.. 

திரு ரங்கநாதன் அவர்கள் நிகழ்ச்சியை மாலையாக தொடுத்துகொண்டிருந்தார், தொகுத்து வழங்கினார். சத்யநாராயணன், அடையாறு பாலசுப்ரமணியம் - நாதஸ்வரம் , செந்தில் குமார் தவில், சுவாமிநாதன் மிருதங்கம் இசை வெள்ளத்தில் அனைவரையும் கரைக்க ஆரம்பித்தனர், மல்லாரி , ராகமாலிகா, ராகமாலிகை, சின்னஞ்சிறுகிளியே பாடல் அனைவரையும் மெய்மறக்க செய்தது. வயலின் மேதை திரு சந்திரசேகர் அவர்கள் முன்னமே வந்து இசையை ரசித்துகொண்டிருந்தார் மிருதங்க வித்வான் டாக்டர் உமையாள்புரம் சிவராமன் அவர்களும் திரு நடராசன், முன்னாள் தொலைகாட்சி இயக்குனர், அவர்களும் வந்து விழாவை சிறபிக்கச் செய்தனர்.. கிரிட்ரேடிங் நிறுவனமும் பிரம்மகான சபாவும் சத்யநாராயணனின் இசை தொகுப்பை (MUSICAL ALBUM).வெளியீட்டுக்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்து இருந்தனர். 

விழாவில் வயலின் மேதை திரு M.சந்திரசேகர் அவர்கள் சத்யனாரயணனை மனதார பாராட்டி, தான் பேசும்பொழுது கூட வாய் பேசுகின்றது ஆனால் தன்னுடைய காதுகள் இன்னும் மல்லாரியில் மயங்கி கொண்டிருக்கின்றது என்று கூறி சத்யாவை மனதார வாழ்த்தினார் . மிருதங்க வித்வான் டாக்டர் திரு உமையாள்புரம் சிவராமன் அவர்கள் சத்யாவின் இசை ஆற்றல், இளம் வயது சாதனைகளை வெகுவாக பாராட்டி, சத்யாவின் வெற்றிக்கு உறுதுணையாக இருந்த அவரது பெற்றோரையும் பாராட்டினார். மழலைகள் இசை என்றாலே மனம் மகிழும், சத்யா மழலை பருவம் முதல் இசைமழளைகளின் அரவணைப்பில் வளர்ந்து இன்று இமயம் தொட புறப்பட்டிருக்கும் சத்யனாராயணனை ராம்ஜி இசை மழலை Ramjhi Isaimhalai அவர்கள் வெகுவாக பாராட்டி சத்யாவின் தொடர் வெற்றிக்கு வாழ்த்து தெரிவித்தார். திரு நல்லி குப்புசாமி அவர்கள் நிகழ்ச்சி தொடங்கும் முன்னமே வந்து சத்யனாரயணனை வாழ்த்தி சென்றார். நேரமின்மை காரணமாகவும் வேறு ஒரு நிகழ்ச்சியில் பங்கேற்க வேண்டும் என்ற காரணங்களும் அவரை துரிதப்படுத்தியத்தை உணரமுடிந்தது தகவல் களஞ்சியம் திரு நடராசன் முன்னாள் தொலைகாட்சி இயக்குனர் அவர்கள் சத்யாவின் ஆரம்பநாள் முதல் அவரது வளர்ச்சியை கண்டு பெருமைகொண்டு, அவர் மேலும் பல சாதனைகள் படைக்க வாழ்த்தினார் .

விழாவில் சத்யாவின் நான்கு இசை குறுந்தகடுகள் வெளியிடப்பட்டது அவற்றை சத்யாவின் வெற்றிப்படிகளுக்கு வழியாக இருந்தவர்கள் முறையே கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டு அவர்களால் பெற்றுக்கொள்ளப்பட்டது . இறுதியில் சத்யநாராயணன் தனது நன்றி கலந்த வணக்கத்தை ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் தெரிவித்துகொண்டார், விழாவில் நாதஸ்வர வித்வான் அடையாறு பாலசுப்ரமணியன், தவில் வித்வான் செந்தில்குமார், மிருதங்க வித்வான் சுவாமிநாதன் அனைவரும் கௌரவிக்கப்பட்டனர்

Friday, December 09, 2011

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Welcome December 2011

It is time to welcome one and all for the December Music Festival 2012, Chennai and it looks to be more and more interesting as years go by! Yes new forums, new artists, new media, new rasikas and especially the famous new canteens & new items coming up for enjoying!

"Carnatic on Keyboard" - the concept came into better shape probably from the 9th December, 2001 when Sathya performed his first concert and when we look back it is already 10 years! The instrument and artist have achieved many in these 10 years from getting recognised from the premier Institution of Indai namely, All India Radio and from the the music rasikas all over the world. The recent of the appreciation / recognition being "Yuva Kala Bharathi" title conferred on Sathya by Bharat Kalachar - a premier institution in Chennai.

By chance there is also an oppurtunity to welcome the 11th year for Sathya with few of his albums being launched by Giri Cassettes which details will be posted in a few days. The year 10 goes with many

It has been a great months after Sathya's return from his heArtbeat ensemble concert tour of USA & Canada where he performed 14 concerts and returned on the Diwali. The concert at trivandrum on the 28th Oct'11 being te highlight not only for the oppurtunity to have dharshan of Lord Padmanabha - recently proclaimed as the richest God of the Universe but also with a good presentation of a concert in Trivandrum.
I shall update the details of the concert next week.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

God answers the question raised by Rasigapriya, Dinamalar !!

Bharat Kalachar awards Sathya with their prestigious "YUVA KALA BHARATHI"

Yes it is indeed a recognition for the efforts of a journalist - Ms Rasigapriya of Dinamalr !! We sincerely feel so that God has answered the question raised by her in the article "When will Keyboard be recognised?" with this great recognition for Sathya's efforts to perform Carnatic on Keybaord for teh last 10 years starting on teh December 09, 2001 with his first concert at his age of 6!

This is indeed a team effort and we dedicate this award to all his enhancement artists who have been performing with him, forums and individuals who have been patronizing him, well wishers who have been his pillars of strength with their wishes, blessings of all his Gurus and to the Grace of The Almighty!!

Concert in A I R - September 16, 2011

It was another joyous day for our family as we were ready to listen to SAthya;s concert in All India Radio - FM Gold 102.3 Mhz, a concert for 30 mts for teh second time from 1130 am to 12 noon on teh September 16, 2011. It so happened that both Sathya - being on the USA & CAnada heArtbeat ensemble tour - and myself were out of station and were not in a position to listen this broadcast.

Here came the Sama Sanjeevi Sri. T. V. Gopalakrishnan to whom Sathya's mother requested and he not only recorded but also uploaded in under his folder and it is available in the link:

I am also grateful to my friend Sri. M. Diwakar and Nadaswaram vidwan D. Balasurbramani who also have recorded the concert and the link for that recording is availbale in

 The 30 mts concert was enhanced by Sri. V. V. Srinivasa Rao on Violin and Sri Trichur Narendran on Mrudhangam and the list of songs performed are:

1. Parathpara - Vachaspathi - Adi
2. Etulobrova - Chakravagam - Misrachapu
3. Sivaganga - Nagaswaravali - Adi

Starting 2011 - 12 with Mankula Vinayagar, Pondicherry Temple Concert

Yes as per our Hindu mythology Vinayaka Chathurthi is probably the start of the festival beginning for a year and for this year it was on teh September 01, 2011 and Sathya had the greatest blessing to perform at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Temple, Pondicherry. With another Vinayagar Temple concert behind him, Sathya had a great day with enhancement for his concert being Adyar D. Balasubramani on Nadaswaram, Kumbakonam Swaminathan on Mrudhangam and Valangaiman Hariharasubramanian on the Ghatam and Morsing.

It is interesting to note that the E.O. of this temple had seen Sathya perform the earlier year Chathurthi day for a private function where he had been and decided to have him perform in this temple! It so happened with the blessings of The Almighty it turned out to be on this wonderful day!

It was a cocnert with mix of pure classical and devotional numbers with devotees flowing like the steady water flows in Niagara Falls!! Yes indeed we actually sat for checking sound at 535pm and without break went on to perform till 930pm!! Almost 4 hrs of music and still we were seeing sea of people lining up to ahve dharshan of the Almight Ganesha!

List goes like this:

1. Ganapathiye Varuvai 2. Arupadai Veedu konda thirumuruga 3. Karpoora Nayagiye 4. Adikondar 5. Nagumomu 6. Vinayagane 7. Singara velane Deva 8. Brahmam Okate 9. Pattum Nane 11. Bantureethikolu 12. Charanu Siddhi Vinayaka 13. Marudhamalai Mamuniye 14. Vwenkatachalanilayam 15. Bo Sambo 16. Notes 17. Raghuvamsa 18. Kurai onrum Illai 19. Muthai tharu - Thirupugazh 20. Bagyadhalakshmi Baramma and 21. Mangalam.

Sathya performed ragas for fewkrithis and kalpanaswram was indeed flowing as well. Thani was sweet and short and the concert was indeed a unforgettable experience for all the artists! ThAnother news was that he had an exam the following day and has scored 80% as well in that!! "Yellam Iraivan Seyal"

Monday, September 12, 2011

August 25, 2011 Concert at Sri Sakthi Vinayagar Temple, Vadapalani, Chennai

August 25, 2011 - Sri Sakthi Vinayagar Temple concert 
under the aegis of Sri Sakthi Vinayagar Samajam

The above is self explanatory and it was indeed a good presentation by the team of enhancing artists in Sri. B. Ananthakrishnan on Violin, Sri. R. Sankaranarayanan on Mrudhangam and Sri Harihara subramanian on Ghatam & Morsing. The surprise package was the Soolini raga Tyagarajar krithi - which Sathya explored kalpanaswarams and was equally enhanced by the enhancing artists. Sri Ananthakrishnan was at his usual best in raga aalapanas and actually helped to bring the best of Sathya's abilities with his expert performance. Sankaranarayanan and Hariharasubramanian were so good that few of teh auidence after the concert actually told Sathya to try and keep the same team as it was indeed a grand show! Well every concert performance is indeed a Velvi and this day it prooved to have been done with dedication from all teh team members.

It was also nice of the Secretary of the organisation to come up to the stage and requested Sathya to perform Entharo MAhanubhavulu and Ninuvina as listener's choice! While this is not new the special event was this was done after the main krithi! Muisc is for teh rasikas and when it is asked by a dedicated audience to perform, Sathya without any hesitation performed the krithis apart from a krithi in Neelambari as per request of an elderly rasika.

The greatest blessings for Sathya in this concert was the presence of Harmonium Exponent Sri  Palladam Venkataramana Rao, who was actually instrumental for Sathya to look out for a apt instrument during 2006 and selected Korg TR and now its all history!!!

While the title of the Article seems to be little strong the fact remains that it shows the feeling of this Journalist and we are happy to see that someone other than us, are also thinking in this direction! Kudos to "Rasigapriya  Dinamalar"  for bringing out this article

The live recording of this concert is available in under the concert id -  14-C0057 in You can also access this under the up-loader section in the front page of this site under the link Sathya(Keyboard) and you need to click on the serial number 058 for this concert.. 

Please do listen to the tracks and forward your opinion / comments.

The details of the krithis rendered are as follows:

01. Varnam - Valaji - Adi - Lalgudi Jayaraman
02. Siddhi Vinayagam - Mohanakalyani - Adi - Harikesanallur Muthaiah Baghavathar [ Or, S]
03. Ninuvina - Reethigaula - Rupakam - Shyama Sastri [R]
04. Prananatha - Soolini - Adi - Tyagaraja [Or, S]
05. Chitham Irangadhadhenaiya - Sahana - Misrachapu [Or]
06. Enthukubedhala - Sankarabaranam - Adi -Tyagaraja [R, Th, S, T]
07. Entharo Mahanubhavulu - Sri - Adi - Tyagaraja [Audience choice]
08. Ninuvina - Navarasakanada - Rupakam - Tyagaraja [Audience choice]
09. Boe Pandari Baba - Vakulabaranam - Bhajan
10. Mamava Madhava - Neelambari - Adi - Narayana Theerthar [Audience choice]
11. Thillana - Maandu - Adi - Lalgudi Jayaraman
12. Mangalam

R - Raga alapana, S - Kalpanaswaram - Th- Thanam - T - Thani avarthanam

August 06, heArtbeat Ensemble for "Mythrim Bhajatha"

This was one of the important concert for Sathya as this had great vidwans like Sri S.R. Janakiraman, Smt. R. Vedavalli and many more who generally are looked like hardliners as far as the Carnatic field is concerned. It was a great blessing that many of the vidwans not only stayed back for the entire concert of about 80 mts, some of them came on stage and appreciated and few had passed on good comments of Sathya's playing techniques on the instrument to Dr. Ghatam Karthick when he had the oppurtunity to perform wioth few of them on the following days!

Report on public concert held in 23 JUL at Kumaran Kundram, Chrompet, Chennai

This is one of the pleasant environment Sathya has been to! It was the first time we as family were seeing this temple in a Mountain in Chennai!! Wow it was a real great site to see Chennai from the top of the mountain!! Great Blessings was that the Temple Deity - Utsavar and the Pallakku was supposed to be brought down that evening and we were asked to give a helping hand to do it! What else a blessing you need we as team with B. Ananthakrishnan (violin) Nadaswaram Balasubramani, Sathya and myself had a great experience doing this. It was indeed heavy and we were around 8 men involved to do this!

With great blessing of the Almighty the concert with B. Ananthakrishnan on Violin and Thillaisthnam Suriyanarayanan on Mrudhangam went excellently well and had a good number of audience too! I mention this because there was a day change in this concert and we had people inquiring the next day if Sathya was to perform as per schedule!! It was nice of teh organisers to ahve changed the date for Sathya as hehad a bhajan competition to participate with his schoolthe next day! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

World Music Day June 21 @ Bangalore for Handshake Concert

This was another great Day in Sathya’s Musical Carrier 

Sathya got the oppurtunity to perform in Handshake Concert presentation for World Music Day - June 21, 2011 held at Chowdiah Hall, Bangalore. This was a presentation by Rattle & Hum Music Society,  Nagalan University in collabaration with NEZCC, Dimapur and Nagaland Tourism. The list of participants included bands of  legendary Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Grammy Winner), Ms Anuradha Pal, SOULMATE, SWARATHMA - from Bangalore, Divine Connection (Winner MTC ROCK ON 2011) Lohe Sisters from Nagaland presenting folk music, MELODRAMA and Kenei Chale (Brand Ambassador of Nagaland Torism and Finalist Ms Nagaland 2010) and Sathya was blessed to get a 15 mts slot which by chance became the inaugural performance!

This performance was seen by almost every participant and a large audience and what was interesting is that Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt got so impressed on Sathya, he blessed him with a big hug and also asked him to perform with him that evening for about 5 mts (the first video of this post) What a great human Pandit ji is !! he was all praise and it is indeed one of the greatest recognition / blessing Sathya has got on World Music Day!! I am sincerely proud of him and hope Sathya picks up the nature of Humility from these great Musicians along with their musical blessings!

Here is the link for the photos taken at the venue:

Sincere thanks to Sri. Dhayanidhi - a Morsing artist who helped us taking the video. He is brother of Ms Lakshmi a mrudhanga vidwan who performed in the band of Ms Anuradha Pal after Sathya's performance, the same evening. 

It was interesting to see this family of musicians in all true sense, Father Karnataka Kalashree Sri. Thangavelu, Mother on the Thambura, First daughter Ms Maragadhavalli on Vocal Musician, second daughter Ms Bhuvaneswari on Violin, third daughter Ms Lakshmi on Mrudhangam, 1st son Sri. Balaji on Tabla and second son Sri. Dhyanidhi on Morsing.

An appraisal - Review of my efforts in Sathya's musical life!

Dear Sri Sankar,

Let me take this oppurtunity to thank you for sparing your valuable time to go through the blog / videos of Sathya and also taking time to register your wishes.

I read your comments in this blog for two of my postings. As you have not mentioned your email id or your contact details I am posting this as not only reply but also as a self appraisal! I also received your impressions through the link in Sathya’s website and in that also we have not received your contact details. I would appreciate if you could forward same for our records. I extend my sincere thanks also to express your viewpoint on his father’s role i.e. myself and I take it in all good spirits as your opinion / suggestion.

Part played by Sathya’s father i.e. myself:

You would appreciate that Sri Shrinivas sir is Mount Everest and Sathya has not even reached the foot hold of this great Mt. Everest in Music. If Sathya can qualify / match a percentage or two of musical knowledge it would be a great accomplishment. Let me be honest to state that your idea to compare me with Great Maestro Sri Mandolin Shrinivas’s father is just not right as my roll on stage today with Sathya is totally different as I act as manager / anchor / MC for all his concerts.

With regard to my position on stage please note I view myself as a MC on stage and maintain / put thalam during his concerts. I am always sure that Hyped talents can not sustain! There is always a saying - Talent if genuine, can never be suppressed / hidden. If Sathya ever has one, I am sure and confident that he will come good! There has never been an attempt to hype Sathya’s talent and I would like to say that Promotion, Information and Hype has different meanings in respective contexts and I always try and inform people about the talent available in Sathya. I will be first person to absent my self / keep mum if that is going to enhance Sathya’s values and it is just for that betterment we as family are working for!

The audiences who attend concerts in various forums / occasions differ these days & it is this present age practice which requires information to be shared and I sincerely feel I am trying to do that in different media viz... Stage / blogs etc... If you read the post History in the making in which you have commented I have sincerely communicated to express my views on the Instrument Keyboard making History and that Sathya also becomes a part of it. I do not think there is any hype involved in this as it is indeed a fact that his was the first live broadcast of Classical concert on Keyboard broadcast by AIR for the first time! This is just an example only.

In my experience I feel it is important in the present days to express what you are performing before or after a krithi / song is performed and doing so with just the name sounds good some times and also doing it in anchoring style is received well by many depending on the forum / occasion you perform. Normally in a sabha environment I do just announce the details of the krithis and if it is a private show or in certain forums, few elaboration is needed and I do it accordingly. It is also to note that I conduct the concerts for fusion concepts / film music concerts and need to coordinate with all the artists – the job of a conductor in a film music concert. May be actions like this might have been the point you are raising and even this I have been trying to minimize as now the team is already set and artists have also started communicating with Sathya and vice versa.

Bringing up a child of his nature is indeed a challenge without disturbing his childhood! We as parents try not to disturb this and by the Grace of The Almighty and wishes of his Gurus & well wishers we have been leading a comfortable life. I also want to make a point clear that if making money with Sathya’s talent was the only concept we had in mind, it is easy for us to do so by engaging him in film music field on a permanent basis and an offer for this was there when he was just 10 years old, from a music director of repute. However our intention are to bring him up as a complete musician and hope we are slowly succeeding in that direction. With regard to playing Film numbers, I wish to inform that Sathya’s mother is working in that industry with many leading music directors and in particular with Maestro Illayaraja sir for the past 28 years!  We do value that music as well. Also I feel it is for the child to decide what he wants to ultimately establish and we are only giving him directions. Sathya while playing film numbers also makes his own BGMs and that is also welcomed by many and this gives him scope for his imaginations. It is also interesting point to see that fusion concept is catching up fast with even the Leading musicians of date who team up with various combinations and perform. It is also a fact that Great musicians like GNB, MLV, Kunnakudy to present day leading musicians play their part in film music including his present Guru Dr. Balamuralikrishna sir!

Sathya on teaching:

It has been a great hard journey for us to actually travel to the level we are, with Almighty’s grace and wishes of his gurus and well wishers. I sincerely believe Sathya is too young to be put to teaching and it might be a struggle for him to add up one more area to cope with apart from enjoying childhood, learning music, doing academic studies (in X1 std now), socializing and performing concerts. We are in the process of studying fingering techniques and making a format and in the near future would like to spread it to every one. It is our desire to spread this as this is one instrument which has caught up with young and old alike to learn our traditional music and if we could do a little in bringing some system we would be the happiest people in the world.

It is just that I thought of clarifying not only your point of view, I am taking this post as an appraisal / self study for me as well and would also be a information to many who probably has not made this impressions on the blog but could be carrying it in their minds.

Looking forward to your contact details.

With best regards and respects Krishnababu

f/o K. Sathyanarayanan

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 21, 2011 Villiwakkam Sath Sangam, Rajaji Nagar Concert.

It is indeed a second home for Sathya as the rasikas here are so fond of him and so is the organisation, with President Sri Sambamoorthy being the best of the cheer leaders! He is so particular that he gives Sathya the best comforts whenever he comes there to perform. This concert today as enhanced by Sri Kandadevi Vijayaraghavan on Violin, Sri Thillaisthanam Suriyanarayanan on Mrudhangam and Sri Ambattur Sundar on Tabla. It is is indeed a great point to note that whenever Sathya teams up with Sri. Sundar it always becomes a landmark concert and this was also one which was attended by Sri. Gopalji, Director of Dinamalar - a leading Tamil daily as Chief Guest and which print media is one of the reasons for Sathya's success growth story. 

Sathya has been performing almost every year from 2006 and so decided to present krithis which was not presented in this forum. It was also interesting that the song Alaipayudhey requested by the Chief Guest has not been played here before by Sathya. Audio tracks of this concert is available in the link :

Video link is in

1. Vathapi Ganapathim - Hamsadwani - Adi - Dikshidar (S)
2. Mahasuram - Shanmugapriya - Rupakam - Dikshidar (R)
3. Raja Raja - Niroshta - Adi -Tisranadai (S)
4.NinnuJoochi - Sourastram - Adi Tyagaraja
5. Kaligiyunte - Keerawani - Adi - Tyagaraja (R,S,T)
6. Alaipayudhey - Kaanada - Adi - OVK
7. Thillana - Behag - Adi - Lalgudi Jayaraman
8. Medley - Garland with diferent songs.

Many songs were requested and Sathya did this last piece as a medley combining Pallavi, Anupallavi or Charanams of the requested songs which idea was well received by the audience.  Mr Murali, forum official was so nice to remember instances of Sathya's concerts performed there and blessed him with great future.

PS - S - Kalpanaswaram, N - Nraval, R - Raga aalapana, Th - Thanam, Thani avarthanam

Back to home ground - Ayodhya Mandapam, West Mambalam April 20, 2011

This happened to be Sathya's 801st concert and a blessing indeed to perform this for Sri Rama Samajam, Ayodhya Mandapam in his home turf i.e. West Mambalam. It was a team of local artist from West Mambalam with B. Ananthakrishnan on Violin, NC Bharadwaj on Mrudhangam and Chnadrasekarasharma on Ghatam. Ananthakrishnan was at his usual best and NC Bharwaj playing was very pleasant and also gave a great presentation with Chndrasekarasharma on ghatam during the Thani avarthanam. The concert in totality was remarkable and was with a large audience in spite of the fact that it was scheduled at 5pm.  The details of the krithis performed are as follows:

01. Varnam - Shanmugapriya - Adi - Dr.Balamuralikrishna
02. Raghunayaka - Hamsadwani - Adi - Tyagaraja (S)
03. Durmagachara - RAnjani - Rupakam - Tyagaraja (R, N)
04. Jaya Jaya Padmanabha - Sarasangi - Adi - SwathiThirunal
05. Budhamasrayami - Natakurinji - MisraJampa - Dikshidar
06. Bajare Manasa - Aberi - Adi - Mysore Vasudevachari (R, S, T)
07. Chinanchirukiliye - Ragamalika - Tisranadai - Bharathi (AR)
08. Chnadrasekara - Sindhubhairavi - Ekam - Yanai Vaidhyanadha Iyer(AR)

R - Aalpana S- Kalpanaswaram N- Niraval T Thaniavarthanam AR - Audience request

April 09, 2011 Concert for Karpagam Gardens Sath Sangam

The concert at this place is always held at high esteem as the audience are very knowledgeable and many are actually artists and their relatives who come and listen. If your presentation is good  people never mind staying back to listen to the performance even it is beyond 9pm. Sathya's concert here was enhanced by Sri. Kandadevi Vijayaraghavan on violin, Sri Kumbakonam Swaminthan on Mrudhangam and Hariharasharma on Kanjeera. Sathya was blessed with many in the audience actually singing along and maintaining thalam! He was also happy to note a person in the front row who got very involved with the tem's presentation and appreciated and blessed Sathya at the end revealing himself as brother of Sri Mannargudi Eswaran. He also was in high praise of Sathya's laya gnana! Indeed a great blessing! The details of this presentation is as follow:

----to be updated----

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

AIR Concert on March 16, 2011 - A Dream Come True Moment

Yes it is one of the best days in our life with a concert in All India Radio! What a great bonus with Sri V. V. Ravi on Violin and Sri Papanasam Kumar one of the senior vidwans of AIR enhancing this first of its kind AIR broadcast of Carnatic concert on Keyboard! Sathya is really blessed and so is the family! It is indeed a Proud moment and a Joyful Day which we can never forget!

We as family would like to thank one and all who were all responsible for having the instrument recognised by AIR from the respective Minister in the Union Ministry to Local AIR Station people, Blessings of all his gurus, wishes of well wishers and his own efforts!

It was so nice of Sri Tee Vee Gee, a leading uploader of Sangeethapriya to have recorded the concert and also upload it in his folder sooner the concert was over. Thanks to Sri Diwakar and also Mr Raman of Koratur also to have recorded the concert and forwarded the same. It is blessings and wishes like this, which has taken the instrument and the artist to the level they are in!  

The link is follows:  
Sathya performed the following: 
  1. Siddhi Vinayagam – Samaram – Rupakam – Dikshidar
  2. Dinamani VAmsa – Harikamboji – Adi – Tyagaraja
  3. Thillana – Brindhavani – Adi – Dr. Balamuralikrishna
Please listen to the tracks,  if possible and forward your feedback.  We once again thank you all for the support, wishes and Blessings to Sathya.

Monday, March 14, 2011

2011 March 13 - Concert at Periyava Padhugai Temple - Mylapore

Sathya performed a concert and for the first time he tried performing on a Harmonium!

It was indeed a divine atmosphere Sathya performed for the second time in Maha Periyava's Padhugai Temple located in PS Sivaswamy Salai. This time enhanced by Sri SP Ananthapadmanabha on violin, Sri Delhi Raja Subramaniam on Mrudhangam and Sri Hariharasubramanian on Ghatam & Morsing. Sri. Murugan made the audio arrangements.

Sathya thought of trying Harmonium and as we were searching for one his friend Sri Harikrishnan's family was contacted through Sri Keerthivasan - a Mrudhaga vidwan and thanks to that family, Sathya could perform on Harmonium. Just an attempt and hope he also pursues this also! I feel the performance is asking me to think on this line!

Audio tracks of this concert can be listened / downloaded from the link
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Great News - History in the making!

It is indeed a great news that "All India Radio" will be broadcasting a Carnatic concert on Keyboard for the first time on the March 16, 2011! Yes it will be broadcast in FM Gold Radio Channel which can be listened in 102.3 mhz from 11:30 am for 30 mts. It will be a history made with this concert and looks like Sathya will be part of the history as he is scheduled to do this concert. A long awaited dream which will become a reality!!

I request one and all to tune in to AIR on March 16th 2011 and also forward all your opinion to AIR and if possible to us also. This will be a great source of encouragement to Sathya!!!

January 22, 2011 Concert at Kakinada

This was indeed one of the special concerts with local state artists in AP after a long time with M. Sathyanarayanansarma on Violin, Mandapakkam Ravi on Mrudangama and Hanumantha Rao on Ghatam

The concert went very well with large audience presence and appreciation coming to the team in a big way. Here is a clipping probably for the first time taken in the side view as the camera was positioned on the stage! Sathya presented a mix of different composers and the ragas & krithis selected along with the way presented by him was very much appreciated by the enhancement artists. The greatness of the Mrudhangam vidwan was that he also informed many of is friends, dear & near to see the link in youtube! 

The interesting thing in this concert was that as we reached Kakinada  and was met by a volunteer of teh sabha, he asked Sathya to perform Sriranjani as main and also wanted a krithi in Sivaranjani. To our surprise we could not recollect any krtihi Sathya was familiar with and an idea came to me! I asked Sathya if he could play the bhajan Krishna Bajo Krishna Bajo set to a different raga in Sivaranjani and he immediately accepted it as a good idea and executed it on stage with no real hesitation! The person who asked for it was thrilled on hearing this bhajan and praised him so much! The secret of winning the heart of rasikas is very important and  will help artists like Sathya a long way!!
The list of krithis rendered are as follows:

01. Varnam - Valaji - Adi- Lalgudi Jayaraman
02. Raghunayaka - Hamsadwani - Adi- Tyagaraja (S)
03. Ramachandram Bhavayami - Vasantha - Rupakam-Dikshidar(R)
04. Karunajudu - Sri - Adi - Shyama
05. Marivere-Lathangi-Kandachapu-Patnam Subramanya Iyer(S)
06. Brahmakatigina - Mukari - Adi - Annamaya
07. Kavave Kanyakumari - Sahana - Misrachapu - Dr. BMK
      (audience choice of Raga) (R)
08. Marubalka - Sriranjani - Adi - Tyagaraja (R, S, TH)
09. BajareGopalam - Hindolam - Adi - SadhasivaBrahmendrar
10. Ramachandra ra ra-Shankarabaranam-Tisranadai-Annamaya
11. Bhajan - Sivaranjani - Ekam
12. Thillana - Madhuvanthi - Adi - Lalgudi
R - Raga Aalapana, S- Kalpanaswaram, TH- Thaniavarthanam

January 13, 2011 - Nadasudha Concert

With SP Ananthapadmanabha - Violiin, Trivandrum V Balaji - Mrudhangam, Chandrasekarasharma - Ghatam the team was ably enhanced with Balaji - Nithya Audio - on PA System at Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Hall, Velachery for Nadasudha on the 13th January'11.The team presented the following and had a good audience turnout. The krithi Neelothpalambikayam is one of the rare krithis performed on stage and thanks to Mr N. Balsubramanian, President of the sabha, Sathya took up and presented in a satisfying manner. The details of other krtihis are:

02_Gananayakam_Poornashadjam_Adi_Dikshidar [S]
04_Manasulonima_Varamu_Adi_Tyagaraja [R, S]
06_NeevadaNeeGana_Saranga_Kandachapu_Tyagaraja [S]
07_DinamaniVamsa_HariKamboji_Adi_Tyagaraja [R, N, S, T]
S - Kalpanaswaram, R - Raga aalapana, N - Niraval, T - Thani avarthanam

You can see the video clipping of this concert here above and can also log on to and listen to the tracks of this concert vide serial number 056 under the up-loader name Sathya (Keyboard)

January 09, 2011 - Concert for IIT Music Club under Youth Festival

As part of the 2011 Youth Music festival Sathya performed in IIT for their Music Club for the first time and incidentally this has come on All India Radio giving the recognition for the instrument! May be it is a coincidence! The team comprised of M. Rajeev on Violin, Sumesh Narayanan on Mrudhangam and Sunilkumar on Kanjeera. The PA system was of great order and all this ensured that the concert reached the knowledgeable audience in the right manner.

Sathya started the concert with Dr. Balamuralikrishna's varnam in the ragam Shanmugapriya and as this was his first concert in IIT Youth Fest decided to do a small lec-dem on the usage of the gadget's in the instrument in producing the nuances of Carnatic  music! The idea was Rajeev to take up a raga and Sathya to present same on the keyboard and  leaving the judgment to the audience regarding the level Sathya could match! Here Prof. Narendran was present and he suggested to take up all gana ragas namely Bhairavi, Kalyani, Kamboji, Thodi, and Sankarabaranam. The fact is that after the concert Prof. Narendran has got good impression on Sathya and he is already a good well wisher now to him! A great personal milestone for Sathya to have won the heart of a good Vainika and a knowledgeable person! The details of other krithis are as follows and when time permit please do give a view and forward your thoughts!

01 Varnam_Shanmugapriya_Adi_BMK
02 SriMahaganapathim_Gowla_Misrachapu [S]
03 Sugunamule_Chakravagam_Rupakam_Tyagaraja [R]
04 RamanukkuMannanMudi_Hindolam_Adi_SeerkazhiArunachalakavirayar [S]

05 Mokshamugalada_Saramathy_Adi_Tyagaraja
06 Lecdem-on-ragastructure-Bhairavi, Kalyani, Kamboji,
      Thodi and Sankarabaranam
07 Tholijenma_Bilahari_Kandachapu_Tyagaraja [S]
08 RagamalikaMallari_Gambeeranatai_Gaula_Arabhi_Varali_Sri_MisraTriputa [R, S, T]
09 KandenKanden_Bagyashree_Tisranadai_Arunachalakavi
10 Bhajan_Vasanthi_Ekam
11 Thillana_Desh_Adi_Lalgudi
12 Mangalam_VazhiyaSenthamizh

S - Kalpanaswaram, R - Raga aalapana, T - Thani avarthanam

You can also log on to and listen to the tracks of this concert vide serial number 055 under the up-loader name Sathya (Keyboard)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Concert for Rasika Fine Arts January 02, 2011

After back to back concert in the morning and evening on the first day of the year i.e. on the 1st January Sathya also performed on the 2nd January 2011, morning for a chamber concert! Yes it was a hectic schedule right from the late evening concert on the 31st December, 2010 with heArtbeat concert for Sri Rama Baktha Jana Sabha from 8 - 10pm then on to Music Academy for the New Year Bash till 1 am on 1st Jan'11, IFA concert at German Hall @ 9am followed by 2 and hour concert for Kunnakudy School of Music at Sri Marundheeswarar Temple, Thiruvanmiyur from 630 pm and now this concert at Rasika Fine Arts, K. K. Nagar held at Jayagopal Garodia School! 

Well it was indeed a hectic schedule and kudos to Sathya, he did justify every concert with different approaches with various artists involved and taking up different ragas / krithis! A great test of endurance and by the Grace of Almighty he took it up in the right way.  Do listen to all the links of the audio / videos of these concert and you can come to your own conclusion on his abilities!

In this concert he was enhanced by B. Ananthakrishnan on Violin, Arjun Ganesh on Mrudhangam and Hariharasubramanian on Ghatam. The challenge Sathya faced here was little hard as his concert was after a soul filing excellent presentation by Sow. Sriranjani Santhanagopalan on vocal! By the Grace of God  Sathya not only was able to hold the audience but also got great appreaciation from one and all! The President of teh sabha had a speacial mention on the audience turn out and the way Sathya held them!

This concert recording is available in vide serial number 053 under the folder Sathya (Keyboard) on the main page under Rasika Uploads. You can listen / download these logging in with your google or yahoo ids.

The list of krithis performed are:

01_Varnam_Chakravagam_Adi_Walalajapet Venkataramana Baghavathar
02_PariPari_HAmsadvani_Adi_Dr. Balamuralikrishna (S)
03_ThayeTripurasundari-SuddhaSaveri_Kandachapu_Thooran (R)
04_Yevaritho-MAnavathi_Adi_Tyagaraja (S)
06_Kadhambari_Mohanam_TisraTriputa_Dikshidar (T, S)

S - Kalpanaswaram, R - Raaga Aalapana, T - Thanam, Th - ThaniAvarthanam. 

Concert for The Indian Fines Arts on January 01, 2011 - German Hall, T. Nagar

It has been long time i wrote on the blog as i was a little held up due to various reasons! I shall continue to do this work without fail in future! Wishing every one a Very Happy 2011.

ஜனவரி ஒன்றாம் தேதி நடந்த இந்த கச்சேரி ரொம்ப நல்ல இருந்தது. முதல் தடவை பெங்களூர் சுசீந்திரா மிருதங்கம் சத்யாவுக்கு வாசித்தர். After the late night music show at the Music Academy all of the artists were little tired and as this was in the morning 9 am slot we did not expect muh audience as we thought people normally go to temple and relax at home watching the famous programmes in TV channels. To our luck we also had some people for our concert and this was enhanced very well by Sri B. Ananthakrishnan on Violin and Sri H. Sivaramakarishnan on the ghatam. Mr Srinivasan as usual came on stage and appreciated SAthya for all his efforts & congratulated him on getting the recognition from "AIR". He almost also tested him by making him play phrases on "Desh" and saing "துன்பம்நேர்கயில் யாழெடுத்து நீ", He appreciated his efforts and praised every artist on stage for their  super enhancement. 

This concert recording is available in vide serial number 051 under the folder Sathya (Keyboard) on the main page under Rasika Uploads. You can listen / download these logging in with your google or yahoo ids.

The list of krithis performed are:

02_EkaDhantham-Bilahari_Misrachapu_Dikshidar [S]
03_GarudaGamana_Nagaswaravali-Rupakam_Tyagaraja [R]
05_Enthukubedhala_Sankarabaranam_Adi_Tyagaraja R,T,N &Th]

Or - Outline Ragam, S - Kalpanaswaram, R - Raaga Aalapana, T - Thanam, N - Niraval, Th - ThaniAvarthanam.

Ps. The recoding was done on open mike basis on the IPOD.