Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sathya performing Srichakraraja Simhasaneswari learnt at home, courtesey Rasikapriya grp members

Sathya today played the krithi " Srichakraraja Simhasanewsari' which song he had requested to Rasikapriya grp members who had inturn sent him Sri Maharajapuram Santhanam rendering the song. We sincerely thank all the grp members of Rasikapriya yahoo grp and also Ms Vidya, Ms Anusha and Mr Venugopalan in particular.
Audio Links: - the link takes to a website where you have to wait for the song to get buffered and then will be ready for playing. - the link takes you to rapidshare website where you will have to
- select download free option
- wait for response and the password to appear
- fill the password seen on screen in the appropriate box and then
you are ready for download.

Video Link:

Get to this link and wait for the buffering. Once it is ready clickthe play button & it will start showing the video.
The audio and video clipping of the attempts are given here for you to hear / view and pls forward yr comments to keybaordsathya(at)
Rgds Krishnababu